OC GOP Chair Scott Baugh to hold a paycheck protection rally in Fullerton

An Important Message From Chairman Baugh (Citizen Power Rally – Feb 13th at 10:00am)

Hello Friends,

I need your help.

Last week I delivered a speech to the Orange County Central Committee. Please take a moment to read it, or watch it. http://www.ocgopaction.com.

My speech included a call to action against the public employee unions who control and influence our politicians through their campaign contributions, including too many Republicans. Toward the end of the speech I asked all of our elected officials and candidates to endorse the Citizen Power Initiative, aka the “Paycheck Protection” initiative. You can see details of the initiative here: http://www.unplugthepoliticalmachine.org/. 

This initiative quite simply is to ban our government from acting as the administrative agent of the unions with our tax dollars. Your government writes billions of dollars in checks to public employees. You will be shocked to learn that your government removes the union dues from these checks and then wires the money to the unions every two weeks. That’s right! Practically speaking unions don’t even need an accounts receivable ledger. Your government does all the work for them. The unions just have to spend the money. And spend the money they do – in support of candidates and causes that are contrary to your values.

This initiative is our battle of Lexington & Concord here in California. It will cut the money flow off in Sacramento and cities throughout California that produces such imbalanced results. It is a small part in the revolution that is sweeping across this country that started last year with the tea parties and continues on with the victory of Scott Brown in Massachusetts last week.

We must get the initiative qualified on the ballot. To that end, I am looking for 77 patriots like the brave 77 who produce the “shot heard round the world” at Lexington & Concord. Will you be one of our brave 77? If so, here is what I need from you:

On February 13, 2010 – just 15 short days away, we will sponsor a rally for the Citizen Power Initiative at the Slidebar in Fullerton. The address is 122 E Commonwealth Ave in Fullerton.

I need 77 people who will bring 12 of their friends. The math is simple, the original 77 plus 12 times 77 (924) equal 1001 people. Will you be a patriot to help save our state?

This is just the start of your brave venture. I need all 1001 people to get 100 registered voters to sign the Citizen Power Initiative. Do the math again. That will be 100,100 signatures. This will require sacrifice and a ton of work.

I will get the packets of information to these brave 77 so that they can get those packets to their 12 friends who will fight with them. During the next 15 days, I would like the 1001 people that we have signed up to get as many signatures toward the 100 names as possible. We will front load the success of our venture.

Then, on rally day, we will start at 10:00 a.m. and then dispatch all 1001 people by 11:30 a.m. to our neighborhoods, shopping centers and malls to make sure we have collected all 100,100 signatures.

Like the 77 patriots at Lexington & Concord, this will not be easy but it will be worth your while.

Please respond at: http://ocgopaction.ning.com/events/citizen-power-rally or call OCGOP Executive Director Lauryn Picciano at: 949-370-7287 if you will take this challenge. I will get you all of the packets that you will need for your 12 friends.

Your state and your country need you – will you be there?


Scott Baugh
Chairman Republican Party of Orange County

P.S. If you cannot get 100 signatures don’t let that stop you. We need everybody to participate!

About Art Pedroza