City of Mission Viejo edits Veterans Day ceremony coverage

At Mission Viejo’s annual Nov 11th Veterans Day ceremony, held at the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior center, I arrived at the same time as council member Gail Reavis. As she joined the rest of the council on the platform I stood with newly elected council member Cathy Schlicht to partake of the event.

Each council member is given a task be it introduction of VIP’s, the guest speaker or to lead us in the pledge. At this city event council member Gail Reavis was selected to lead us in the pledge of allegiance. However, prior to her saying ready begin, all of us who attended this event heard her recognize Cathy Schlicht in the audience as she was not acknowledged by mayor Kelley who introduced other dignitaries. In watching the replay of that event on MVTV Gail’s comments are only to be found on the cutting room floor. While you hear her say ready begin, her comments about Cathy have been edited out and you do not even see Gail on camera as she spoke.

Shame on whomever was responsible for this slight to a sitting member of our city council and our newest council member.  Welcome to the city of brotherly love. And to think we have hired facilitators every few years so that we can all get along in serving our community. What a joke.

This is just a final straw in arrogance against both of these elected council members by one or more members of our 2008 city council or city staff. Manipulating coverage to honor our veterans to what end?

PS: Larry, Veterans Day was two months ago. Why are you reporting this story now? The answer is simple. I generally do not watch the rebroadcast of  old city events on our local MVTV channel. It was just observed.

About Larry Gilbert